Please choose your answers using the following scale:
- Strongly Disagree;
- Disagree;
- Neither Agree nor Disagree;
- Agree;
- Strongly Agree;
Please choose your answers using the following scale:
- Strongly Disagree;
- Disagree;
- Neither Agree nor Disagree;
- Agree;
- Strongly Agree;
I enjoy learning at Evelina Hospital School
I enjoy learning at Evelina Hospital School
Teachers at Evelina Hospital School help me to do my best
Teachers at Evelina Hospital School help me to do my best
My teachers at Evelina Hospital School give me work that is at the right level for me
My teachers at Evelina Hospital School give me work that is at the right level for me
Teachers at Evelina Hospital School listen to what I have to say in lessons
Teachers at Evelina Hospital School listen to what I have to say in lessons
There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me
There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me
The behaviour of the other pupils at Evelina Hospital School is good
The behaviour of the other pupils at Evelina Hospital School is good
I have NOT experienced bullying or abuse at Evelina Hospital School
I have NOT experienced bullying or abuse at Evelina Hospital School
I feel safe at Evelina Hospital School
I feel safe at Evelina Hospital School
My school encourages me to look after my physical health (for example healthy eating and fitness)
My school encourages me to look after my physical health (for example healthy eating and fitness)
My school encourages me to look after my emotional and mental health
My school encourages me to look after my emotional and mental health
My school encourages me to help and respect others (children, staff, family)
My school encourages me to help and respect others (children, staff, family)
My school encourages me to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally
My school encourages me to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally
I would recommend Evelina Hospital School to other patients in the hospital
I would recommend Evelina Hospital School to other patients in the hospital
Please choose your answers using the following scale:
- Strongly Disagree;
- Disagree;
- Neither Agree nor Disagree;
- Agree;
- Strongly Agree;
Please choose your answers using the following scale:
- Strongly Disagree;
- Disagree;
- Neither Agree nor Disagree;
- Agree;
- Strongly Agree;
My school encourages me to be independent and to take on responsibilities (I am encouraged to find solutions to problems, I am given choices, I am given opportunity to work on my own)
My school encourages me to be independent and to take on responsibilities (I am encouraged to find solutions to problems, I am given choices, I am given opportunity to work on my own)
My school gives me helpful information about my next steps
My school gives me helpful information about my next steps